Today is 25-th day of spring, and it's already 35*C in my town. Looks like long hot season has started. This recipe is for those who are living on Northern Hemisphere and are stepping into Autumn. Enjoy the colours of that beautiful season!
Ingredients: 2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup stone-ground cornmeal
1 cup SR flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp honey, or sugar
1 tsp fine sea salt
1/4 tsp chilli flakes, optional
120 g (1 cup) crumbled sheep cheese
1/2 cup olives, preferably stuffed
Spanish salami, optional
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a small loaf tin (or muffin moulds), brush with softened butter.
Beat eggs, oil and butter milk. Add all other ingredients. Mix well. Transfer half of this mixture to baking pan, place olives on it, spoon the rest of corn bread mixture, smooth the surface with spoon and decorate the top with some herbs, olives and/or salami. Bake for 40-45 minutes (less for muffins). When done let it cool on a rack.
Å panski Kukuruzni hljeb
Danas je 25-i dan proljeca, a vani je vec 35* C. Izgleda kao da je duga vruca sezona otpocela!
Recept je namijenjen vama gore, na sjevernoj polulopti, koji zakoracujete u jesen. Uzivajte u bojama ove divne sezone!
2 veca jaja
1 solja tecnog jogurta
1/4 solje maslinovog ulja
3/4 solje kukuruznog brasna, sitnog
1 solja samodizajuceg brasna
2 k meda ili secera
1 k soli
1/4 k chili ljuspica, po zelji
120 gr mrvljene fete
1/2 solje maslina, punjenih po mogucnosti
Spanska salama, po zelji
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite manji kalup za hljeb (ili za mafine); namazite ga sa maslacem.
Umutite jaja, ulje i jogurt; dodajte ostale sastojke. Izmijesajte dobro.
Sravite pola ovemjesavine u kalup, poredajtemasline, zatim pokrijte sa preostalim tijestom. Ukrasite povrsinu sa zacinskim biljem, maslinama i/ili kobasicom. Pecite 40-45 minuta (manje za muffine). Prohladite malo prije rezanja.
source :,,
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