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Day 365.

Day 365. All Down,Brunette,Hairstyles,Quick and Easy Hair,Short Hair,Straight,Teased Day 365.

Day 365.
Photo: Taylor Love Studios // hair curled with this method

Day 365.


The. Last. Day.

I can't believe just one-year ago I was typing up my Day 1 post.
I was beginning an adventure and I had no idea where it would take me.
And yet, I'm still here.
I didn't die because I didn't have big, teased, helmet-hard hair.
In fact, these days I like my hair more than ever.

I'm getting my hair "done" today.
Done = measured, trimmed, washed and ... styled.
No color changes. No drastic cuts. No little face-framing highlights.
To be honest, I love my hair these days.
Maybe it's the more natural me, the more easy-going version, the true version.
It's just me.

I love it.

Come back tomorrow for measurements and the project wrap-up post.

And for a little smile... remember the counter in the bottom righthand corner that always said
"Days Til BBB End"?
Check it now.

Virtual high-five.

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