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[Coriander] Rose Torte

Rose Torte

I know her for 20+ years; we flew (on same flight) and stepped on Australian soil together. We had our ups and downs, but I'm sure, we never questioned our friendship. At the back of our mind, we always could count on each-other, even if we weren't in contact for months. It was her 50th birthday, and I made a special cake for a special lady! Her name is Nada... Celebration took place last Friday/Saturday at Sydney City, 76th floor of Meriton Hotel (with other lovely ladies)Ingredients: Sponge- 4 eggs, separated 3 egg whites 3/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup melted butter 1 cup SR flour 2/3 cup plain flour 3-4 drops pink colour (1-2 tbs rose water + 1/2 cup water + 1 tbs sugar, for syrup) Cream- 1 cream cheese, soft 1 butter, soft 2/3 cup (+) icing sugar 3-4 tbs (red) rose jam, warmed and sieved 1 tbs rose water (dried rose petals, for decoration)Method: Beat egg whites with sugar until thick. Add colour and yolks, one by one, while beating. Fold in butter, then flour. Bake for 25(or more) minutes at 180*C, in a 22 cm cake pan. Take out, cool then slice horizontally into 3. Mix all ingredients for syrup and brush (or spoon) over each layer with this liquid. Beat butter and cheese with icing sugar, add jam and rose water. Spread over each layer, then assemble. Decorate outside of the cake and sprinkle with rose petals. Chill before slicing.
Rose Torte
Torta sa mirisom Ruže
Poznajem ju vise od 20 godina; zajedno smo doletjeli (istim avionom) i krocili na Australijsko tlo. Imali smo nase uspone i padove, ali sam sigurna da nikada nismo sumnjale u nase prijateljstvo. Negdje u dnu srca, uvijek smo znale da mozemo racunati jedna na drugu, cak i ako se nebismo vidjali mjesecima.Slavila je 50i rodjendan, i napravila sam posebnu tortu za posebnu damu. Njeno ime je Nada...Proslava se desila proslog petka / subote u Sidniju, na 76 spratu Meriton hotela (sa drugim dragim gospodjama).
Potrebno:Biskvit-4 jaja, odvojena 3 bjelanca3/4 solje secera1/3 solje otopljenog maslaca1 solja samodizajuceg brasna2/3 solje obicnog brasna3-4 kapi ruzicaste boje(1-2 K ruzine vodice + 1/2 solje vode + 1 K secera, za sirup)Krema-1 krem sir (250gr)1 maslac, omeksao2/3 solje secera u prahu (vise, po zelji) 3-4 K dzema (crvene) ruze, zagrijan i procijedjen1 K ruzine vodice(susene ruzine latice, za dekoraciju)
Nacin:Umutite bjelanca sa secerom u cvrstu masu, zatim dodajte boju i zumanca, muteci cijelo vrijeme.Rucno umijesajte maslac, zatim brasno. Uspite u 22 cm kalup i pecite 25(+) minuta na 180*C. Prohladite i prerezite biskvit na 3 dijela. Pomijesajte sastojke za sirup pa svaki sloj navlazite s njim. Umutite maslac, krem sir i secer. Dodajte dzem i ruzinu vodicu. Premazite svaki sloj i ukrasite okolo. Pospite laticama ruze i rashladite prije rezanja.
Rose Torte

Rose Torte

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