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Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II - Bright and early Saturday morning, the insomniac meandered up to the real third-floor attic to start on the Gothic Fingerless Glove Project, as promised last week. But just like her blog posts, which start out headed in a specific direction and generally wind up somewhere completely different, so went the day ...

Because the attic becomes unbearably hot by the end of June, any unfinished projects, newly purchased textiles, and eBay, thrift store and garage sale finds are rather hastily flung onto the Upstairs Staging Area (an old dining room table), to be dealt with once the weather becomes cool enough to allow the return to one's third-floor sanctuary. The first order of business was to organize the vast quantities of stuff that had been unceremoniously dumped throughout the summer, before one could even think about starting a new project.

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
A completely staged picture - it actually looked much worse ...

A few hours later almost everything had been put away, apart from the Hallowe'en items purchased for the four weeks of giveaways, beginning October 7th. The creation of the Hallowe'en Gift Urn was such a delightful experience, the insomniac is eager to repeat it an additional three times. And by October 28th, it's almost certain the fourth and final giveaway will be a gift certificate from the Attic because by then, the insomniac is quite sure she'll be seriously contemplating flinging herself from the nearest dormer window.

Once the Upstairs Staging Area had been taken care of, it was time to start searching for the wool fabric. This necessitated looking through each and every suitcase that contains a portion of the rather impressive fabric collection. Eventually discovered in the very last one, it seemed like a reasonable idea to spend some time creating tags to identify the contents of each suitcase.

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
The monogrammed suitcases were the
Paternal Grandmother's, and the black one
belonged to Aunt Lydia ...

It goes without saying that while searching for the wool, one also managed to spend a substantial amount of time sorting through each suitcase, pulling everything out then refolding it, all the while thinking about potential future projects.

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
The velvet silver polishing cloth will become
the centerpiece for a pillow one day ...

Fortunately, the wool collection was already neatly labelled, as one is well aware from past experience that one cannot rely on one's memory about which colour is which. As in, did one order the Antique Black or the Hallowed Black last time?

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
The Wool Collection

Selecting the Crushed Red Velvet and Antique Black wool, the insomniac plugged in the iron. Then quickly unplugged it. Because over the summer, she had managed to forget the entire sole-plate was completely encrusted with black gunk, left behind by some unknown coating on the Melton wool used for the Potlatch Blanket Project. Four tubes of iron cleaner proved completely ineffective. Should you ever wish to eliminate black gunk encrusted on the bottom of your iron, the insomniac highly recommends Kuhn Rikon Swiss Pot Cleaner, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and roughly 45 minutes of your time.

As the insomniacwas already in the kitchen cleaning the iron, it seemed an opportune moment to clean the kitchen sink. An additional 15 minutes down the drain, so to speak.

With the wool located and selected, and both iron and kitchen sink cleaned, the insomniac settled herself in front of the computer, ostensibly toenlarge the fingerless glove pattern and find a suitable stencil. Since she was already there, what harm could there be in checking out a few Blogs and Facebook Pages to see if there was anything new ...

By now it was 3:00 p.m. and, due to an unseasonably warm autumn, approximately 46°C in the attic. The insomniac decided to retire to the veranda to complete the project. Once seated, she noticed the accumulation of dust and dead leaves on the veranda floor, then started thinking about the guests coming for coffee and cinnamon buns the following day and, well, one can sense you already know where this is heading.

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
This is as far as the insomniac got before
the inevitable change in direction ...

Because the insomniac feels bad about breaking her promise of a tutorial on Gothic Fingerless Gloves, she has included pictures of some armwarmers she made for sale last year.

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
These ones sold - as did the Black & Olive, Black & Red,
Black & Grey, and Black & Burgundy pairs ...

Gothic Fingerless Gloves, Part II
These ones did not ...

Today, after her guests have finished their coffee and cinnamon buns on the veranda and departed, the insomniac fully intends to deal with the remaining giveaway items on the Downstairs Staging Area (the real dining room table), along with the shipment of Hallowe'en decorations that arrived this week. But as they say, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

Until next time, the insomniac wishes you nights of blissful sleep filled with pleasant dreams. Should anyone be interested in a pair of brown armwarmers, drop the insomniac a line and she'll gladly send them to you. Because she NEVER wears brown. Goodnight, my pretties.


other source :,,

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