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Burnt Carrot to save it
When you try to do too many chores at once, often some of them don't end up done in a good way. The other day I tried to squeeze painting my kitchen walls, baking a carrot cake and organising bills all at same time...I know - silly ... that's why my cake burnt! Anyway, if that happens to you sometimes, here's what to do... Take cake out of the pan; place it on a cooling rack and let it cool. Take a sharp knife (finely serrated ones are the best) and start scratching burnt parts. In some cases, deeper burnt parts have to be cut off. After you got rid of all nasty bits, brush off tiny dark particles, left after scratching. Continue with icing / decorating as will even notice your mistake!
Ingredients: 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 3/4 cup oil 2 cups grated carrots 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder (grated orange rind, or 1 tsp spice mix or 1 tsp cinnamon for flavour) Icing- 1/2 cream cheese (125 g) 1/3 cup icing sugar 1/3 cup milk powder (or your favourite icing)Method: Preheat oven to 170*C; pripare a cake tin. Beat sugar, eggs and vanilla. Add oil; mix well. Add all other ingredients with flour and walnuts at the end. Fold in by hand. Transfer mixture into a cake tin and bake for 35-45 minutes. Take out and cool. For icing- beat all ingredients until smooth and fluffy. Spread over the top, cut and serve.

Burnt Carrot to save itZagoreni Kolac od Mrkve
Kada pokusavate da obavite nekoliko poslova u isto vrijeme, cesto neki od njih ne budu uradjeni kako treba. Prije neki dan sam pokusala bojiti zidove kuhinje, ispeci kolac i organizovati racune uisto vrijeme....Znam - ludo...zato mi je izgorio kolac!U svakom slucaju, ako se nesto slicno desi vama, evo sta da uradite...Izvadite kolac iz kalupa; ostavite ga hladiti na mrezi. Uzmite ostar noz (sitno nazubljeni su najbolji) i pocnite strugati izgorenu povrsinu. Ako je neophodno, odrezite dijelove koji su vise uhvaceni. Posto ste odstranili zlobne dijelove, ocetkajte sitne izgorene mrvice koje su preostale. Nastavite sa dekorisanjem na uobicajen nacin...niko nece niti primijetiti vasu gresku!
Potrebno:1 solja secera3 jaja3/4 solje ulja2 solje rendane mrkve1 solja sjeckanih oraha1 k vanila esencije2 solje brasna2 k praska za pecivo(ribana korica narandze, ili mjesavina mirisnih zacina, ili 1 k cimeta za aromu)Premaz-1/2 krem sira (125gr)1/3 soljesecerau prahu1/3 solje mlijeka u prahu(ili vas omiljeni premazujuci krem)Nacin:Ukljuc ite rernu na 170*C, pripremite kalup.Mutite secer sa jajima.Dodajte ulje, dobro izmijesajte. Dodajte sve ostale sastojke; brasno i orahe na kraju. Izmijesajte lagano rukom. Uspite u kalup i pecite 35-45 minuta. Izvadite i ohladite.Za premaz miksajte sir, secer i mlijeko u prahu dok nepostane kremasto. Prekrijte kolac, rezite i servirajte.
Burnt Carrot to save it
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