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Select Verizon smartphones now using Advanced Calling 1.0 for HD voice and more.

Advanced Calling 1.0 Calling 1.0 HD Voice and Video Calling are using VoLTE enabled smartphones from Verizon. The calling experience complete with HD voice and video calling. Verizon made the Advanced Calling 1.0 service is available at What brand phone are you using right now Advanced Calling 1.0 is now Experience natural sounding calls when both phones are HD Voice HD Voice requires both parties to use a Verizon HD Voice Verizon Wireless has announced the company began offering Advanced Calling 1.0 across its nationwide network on select smartphones including the Samsung Galaxy S5 and
Select Verizon smartphones now using Advanced Calling 1.0 for HD voice and more.
Source: thatgeekdad

Less than a week after officially launching Advanced Calling 1.0 and Voice over LTE (VoLTE) for the Galaxy S5 and LG G2, Verizon has doubled the number of phones on its network that support the feature.

Both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus now support Verizon’s Advanced Calling 1.0 functionality. Owners of either device can enable the feature by going into Settings > Cellular > Enable LTE and switching the setting to “Voice & Data.”
Select Verizon smartphones now using Advanced Calling 1.0 for HD voice and more.
Source: thatgeekdad

Advanced Calling 1.0 offers HD Voice for high quality voice calls, simultaneous voice and data and more. In the past, Verizon customers couldn't use data (surf the web, etc) while making a phone call. Advanced Calling fixes that for a number of phones. In order to take advantage of the feature, you’ll need to have an Advanced Calling 1.0-capable phone — which currently includes the Galaxy S5, LG G2, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus — and the person on the other end of your call will need one as well.

Apple said when it announced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus that both models would support VoLTE on Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile, so it’s no surprise to hear that the feature is live. Still, it’s nice to know that the functionality is working out of the box. Now all that you Verizon iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus owners have to do is flip the switch in your Settings.

Source: Verizon Wireless; Apple

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