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I have begun to reveal hidden mysteries

Glowing tags to reveal hidden fingerprints Posted on Thursday, 4 July, 2013 2 comments News tip by: UM X 10.6 copy 2001 2014. The Great Mysteries. Revealing the Great Hidden and Saving How hidden and yet how saving are these mysteries which I have fully received and now make known for The Mysteries of God Reveal the Hidden Secrets of Eternity sermon, The mysteries reveal God rsquo s person, eternal purpose sovereign plan. God is manifesting His hidden mysteries by the Scriptures of the prophets. and He is revealing this mystery to us in these last days. Solomon,

Nov 19, 2014 to Glynda LomaxI have begun to reveal hidden mysteries


I have begun to reveal hidden mysteries to My people that will enable you to traverse these last days as you await My Son’s soon return. Those who truly seek Me shall be given answers – secrets revealed in time of need that shall allow you to accomplish feats you never hoped to see, My people.

The whole picture becomes clear only when the last piece of the puzzle is added.

Be vigilant, My precious children, for evil abounds around you that you cannot see. The enemy of your souls has set traps for you, hoping and planning to lure you away from your faith in Me.

Much of your energy in times coming will be spent holding tight to your beliefs as the world tries to separate you from your faith in Me, but if you will walk with Me at all times in all ways (I saw in the spirit that He meant with singleness of purpose, not being double-minded, partially a believer and partially act like you’re not if it benefits you, but serve Him at ALL times) I shall rescue you in those dark times by giving you My supernatural strength and power to overcome in every situation.
What mighty works you shall do to glorify My Name!

If only you will hold tight to your faith – you must love Me more than your life. More than the world in which you live. More than anyone or anything in the world in which you live.

Your dependence should be on Me alone.

source :,,

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