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My belly is full, my brain is empty

My stomach feels empty When I had an ulcer my stomach killed me if it wasn't full the spot in your brain that tells you when you're full, Stomach Full? Brain May Not Know. Overweight People's Brains Seem Slow to Sense Satiety. By Daniel J. DeNoon WebMD Health News. Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD. Well, when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, It’s hard to fall asleep… About the author

It was wonderful having my mum come down to help us out when our son was born (not once but twice - how lucky are we?). It meant that I could rest and recover after the birth, with mum picking up my normal household duties like mopping the floors, cleaning the bathroom, doing the odd load of washing and of course cooking some meals.

Even with mum gone, I have continued to keep my belly full (because I am a milk making machine), but I have also felt that even though my belly is full my brain has been 'empty'... Not empty as in I don't know anything - but empty as in I find myself staring off into nothing for minutes.

This is new to me because I feel that prior to baby my brain was often so full I couldn't sleep.

We would often be driving home from Sydney and I would ask my husband 'What are you thinking about?' To which he would reply 'nothing.' This would bemuse me because I didn't understand how you couldn't always have something on your mind...

Now I know...

It's not like my mind was filled with work commitments either, and now that I am a stay-at-home-mum that I don't have anything to think about.

I've got to think about my son. I still have this blog - cooking and posting. I still like to keep abreast of current issues and read other blogs I enjoy. And even though I am no longer working on social media at work - it is still an interest of mine.

In saying all of that, it's only been three weeks since the baby has arrived on the scene... So maybe my normally thinking pattern of a 'full to the brim' brain will return shortly?

My belly is full, my brain is empty

source :,,

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