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Mummy Bloggers and GOMI

I think the most interesting moment of the article, for me, came when one of the Mommy Bloggers mentioned having to patrol GOMI at least on occasion because people This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Aussie mummy blogger GOMI snark by admin. nobody seems to like any of the mummy bloggers blah blah Egyptian Hello all! Because everyone else is doing it I'm being a "sheeple" (sheep people- someone following the herd) and throwing my 2cents into the ring.

Before I throw my hat into the ring and give motherhood a go, I want to make it clear that I am a productive and hardworking female. I work in the communications field and I blog – because I enjoy writing.

I have been blogging way before I thought that I would be married and a mummy … but now I am in my third trimester and being a mum is going to be part of who I am.

As a working female this is how I viewed me (quoted from my linkedin profile):

I’m about relationships, plain and simple. My objective is to have a positive relationship with the person or organisation that I work for so that we can collaborate successfully. In turn, that person or organisation can form positive relationships through effective communication with their clients, stakeholders, employees and the general public.

I want to grow as a professional communicator – striving to always improving my written, oral, visual and digital communication within a workplace context.

I enjoy the new social media platform and it is my objective to learn more about the ways in which this information is created, managed, distributed, and consumed. Since communication in modern society is a rapidly changing area, the progress of technologies seems to often outpace the number of available expert practitioners – I want to endeavor to stay abreast of the newest technologies and social norms in communication.

Oh … and I love cooking and playing netball!

But you know what, now I am worried that being a Mum and being a Blogger will make me a target of Mummy-Blogger-Haters – like those found at GetOffMyInternets (or GOMI).

GOMI had a massive rant the other day about Mummy Bloggers and personally attacked quite a few including Corrie from RetroMummy (who I enjoy reading). I thought that the comments went way too far when they began criticising her six year old daughter – she’s just a kid! This personal attacking of children has to stop – it pushed Lauren Brimley to make her blog private after GOMI started making comments on her 3 month old.

It’s my opinion that if you don’t like a blogger’s content then don’t read their blog – but all of these GOMI commenters sure did know a lot about these MummyBloggers that they apparently hate.

Lisa Lintern blogged about ‘The myth of the Dummy Mummy’ over at Mamamia and guess what … up popped GOMI.

When Mia moderated the comment another reader commented ‘Where did the comment on the getoffmyinternets go? I was just reading it and came back to comment. Sheesh… I’m calling over-moderation Mamamia!!!???’

Mia responded with ‘NOTE: We’ve been accused of over AND under moderating this post.
It’s a fine line to walk, allowing engaged and intelligent debate without it tipping over into nasty. So please keep it about the issue not the person when you’re commenting. And your understanding and restraint is appreciated in advance.’

So basically, I’m hoping that as I continue to blog and branch into the sphere of motherhood that commenting on my blog will remain about the issue and not about personally attacking me or my child.

source :,,

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