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[Lyle Lovett] Wanna Know Why Movies Look So Damn Good? - They do, you know. Look good, I mean. Sound good, too.

They're terrible, mostly. They're just puerile, pointless Batman movies, the stale, made fresh monthly, I know. But they do tend to look and sound amazing. That's because everyone but the actors and the people who write the scripts are very talented. The average set dresser, scene painter, soundtrack music writer --hell I bet the catering's amazing -- is so talented, and that talent is so cultivated by education and experience that any dreck you throw at the screen has a thick veneer of wonder on it.

Ever watch those one of those "How They Made This Wonderful Movie" movies? I find the back end of entertainment interesting, so I've seen many. Speaking of back ends, you learn that the back end of a horse is in charge of making the movies, generally. They all would be more accurately named if they were called "How This Wonderful Movie Was Made By Idiots By Accident."

There's an insanely detailed homage to the making of Raiders of The Lost Ark available on Vimeo. We watched it. If you watch it, and see who the makers of the movie wanted to cast in the movie, but weren't allowed to, and the ideas they had to make it more interesting, like a robot arm for Indy, who would be played by Tom Selleck, natch, you'd know it's all the little people that made that movie great entertainment. They eventually wear down the people in charge with their common sense, I think.

I think movies look so good because the people that are charged with making a movie look and sound like a specific period in time and populating it with accurately depicted persons -- well, at least the way they're dressed -- have access to reams and volumes of source material. Like that look into a glass factory in Holland in the fifties.

Me? I just watch the glassblowing videos. It's blissfully free of Batmen, and the leading men look like they could actually grow a beard if they wanted to.

other source :,,

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