Tremendous Health Benefits Of Noni Fruits - Noni fruit is one fruit that has tremendous benefits for health. Noni is usually grown in lowland, but Noni can grow in areas with an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. Noni trees usually grow to 7-9 meters, has large leaves with white flowers. Noni fruit is green when young, and when old Noni will whitish and speckled.In social life, the health benefits of noni fruit for already so popular, people usually take advantage of noni as a mixture in salad, or made into juice, or sometimes there is also in a direct eating.
Why noni very beneficial for health? This fruit contains a number of substances and nutrients essential for the body. Such as protein, minerals, vitamins. All of these substances exist in the noni fruit. In chemistry, the content of the noni fruit is as follows: Xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, coprylic, acid, arginine, proxeronine, quinines well as between, trace, elemens, phenylalanine, and magnesium.
In this article, I will provide information on how to process the noni fruit to be consumed with great pleasure, and for the health benefits of noni can be obtained.
How to make noni juice You want to enjoy noni fruit in juice form, let's look at how to make noni juice. Noni juice was delicious and full of vitamins
1. Take some young noni
2. Next, wash thoroughly
3. Then blender the noni fruit, in order rich in flavor, you can add honey, milk or ice, depending on your taste
How to drink noni juice:
In order noni juice beneficial for your health, then drink half an hour before breakfast. Noni juice health benefits for is like below:
- Cleaning the blood fat deposition
- Curing stroke
- Can prevent heart attacks
- Cure atherosclerosis
- Limiting fat absorption,
- Lowering high blood pressure.
How to Make Noni as herbal medicine Prepare several ripe noni, prepare one piece of lempuyang leaves, enough water, puree noni fruit and ginger lempuyang, add a few tablespoons of water, then squeezed and take the water, and drink the juice.
Efficacy of drink the noni herbal was able to treat jaundice, inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the kidneys and spleen inflammation, it helps remove excess bile and cholesterol, cure urinary tract inflammation.
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