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Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Gokigenyou Minna San! I am trying something different for my reviews. I am going to review my top five moments and the overall thoughts of the said episode. If you like it, this will be the way I will review my episodes from now on.

No 5: Young Haruka meeting Young Kanata.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

This is the typical Shoujo opening scene where two people meet when they were young and they make a promise. Haruka was bullied after she claimed her dream is becoming a Princess when she grow up. This attracted Kanata to give Haruka the Dress Up Key and she held to it as a promise to Kanata. I was giggling to myself when Haruka said "I want to be a Princess when she grow up!" which is similar to Luffy from One Piece claiming he want to be the Pirate King when he grow up and Shanks give his straw hat as a promise.

No 4: Welcome to Nobel Academy.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review
Haruka's father is dear Haruka....why did you leave me?

I think this is the first time where the backdrop of the Precure series is centred in a school rather than the usual town place. Furthermore, it is quite far from the city looking at how Haruka's parents send her by car. When Haruka arrived at the girls' dorm, my mind already flashback to Utena, Strawberry Panic and Mai Hime and how every episode will carried out with the usual school life and the occasional conflict among students. Though if the students will being attacked by Monsters every week, wouldn't that worried the parents to transfer their children out of the school?

No 3: Meet Minami, Kirara, the two Fairies and Haruka's roommate, Yui.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Both Minami and Kirara make subtle appearances in this episode. Minami is the model student that everyone idolised with her graceful aura. She already gave a more mature vibe than Karen/Cure Aqua though I won't be surprised if she has a weakness for something and the other two girls started teasing her. Based on next week's episode which she will make her official appearance as Cure Mermaid, expect Minami to be a more competent fighter than Haruka's debut battle in this episode.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Kirara has only have one line in this episode and she has the city girl vibe which balance among the three girls. Haruka is naive and clumsy, Minami is cool and graceful and Kirara is lively and more open minded. Definitely a good balance unlike Happiness Charge which both Megumi and Hime are hyper, Yuko has a poker face and Iona is tough as nails.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review
I want a Puff Doll!

The two Fairies, Puff and Aroma is definitely named after the puff powder and aroma of various perfumes. I liked Puff since she remind me of my own dog and Toyama Nao is voicing her which is a better improvement than Matsui Naoko who did Ribbon. (But then most senior seiyuu does the voices for the mascots and fairies in various Precure series) Although how Aroma and Puff are siblings is a big question mark? How does a Dog and Bird mate each other?

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Finally Yui who is playing a supporting role and given the opening showing her interacting with Puff and Aroma which most probably she will know the girls' identifies as Precures pretty early in the series. Who know, Yui might end up writing a story of the Princess Precures when she began working as a children's book author after the finale ended.

No 2: Meet the Dys Dark, the main villains for this season.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review
Your Close up is scaring me!!!

Based on the opening, we have one main big bad villain, Dyspear and the three generals who will go up against the girls. Close is the first general in this episode and he looked like he should be in a heavy metal rock band. Madono Mitsuaki who voice him sounds like a loose cannon, similar to what he did for Adachi from Persona 4 and he already creep me out with his close up make up.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

The Zetsuborg who are the monsters of the week are created by sealing up people's dream under lock and key (Literally!) and Yui fall victim when Close saw her dream as an author. I think it is similar to Kamen Rider Wizard where the monsters destroyed their dreams and the victims manifested a monster from their bodies.

No 1: Cure Flora's Maiden Battle.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Haruka using the Dress Up Key to insert into the Princess Perfume is similar to Gokaiger's Ranger Keys. Although the liquid that appear inside the Princess Perfume is like the Genesis Driver from Kamen Rider Gaim. All you need is a computer voice to shout "Melon Energy or in this case, Peach Energy! Soda!" to make it cool.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

The transformation sequence is a mix between Heartcatch Precure and the flowers flying all over is similar to the Precure Five Gogo team transformation. The wearing of her Tiara remind me of Go-Onger's helmet wear without the engine sound. Her first encounter is typical for a first timer Precure as her reaction is like Cure Happy but she soon picked up quickly. I think the emphasis for this series is to fight gracefully and with power which I am expecting them to move like a ballet dancer and fight like a knight.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Although when Cure Flora used her Mode Engage form, it is a reverse of Wedding Peach's transformation as Wedding Peach and her friends wore wedding dresses before revealing their battle suits. Here it is the reverse as the Mode Engage form is used as a special attack and probably need the large skirt to keep them balance while firing their attacks. Although I will find the large skirt not practical if they were to fight hand to hand combat. Her special attack which is called Precure Floral Tourbillion, fired a huge gust of flower which is pretty all right but not as flashy like the last few seasons.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Overall, I give this episode a B+. There are some good parts like the transformation sequence and the school backdrop. But the rest of the episode is similar to previous seasons of Precures. Based on the opening, we saw a masked lady facing against Cure Flora whom many fans speculate she could be a heels turn head character in the future which I am fine with since Cure Beat was the last character who was once a villain but reformed to be a Precure.

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review

Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review
How do you bend your body like that?! (Doujin Artists! Do your Worst!)

So why did you think Katana need the Princess Precure for? Do you think that the Masked lady is from the Hope Kingdom or Dys Dark and why she is going after the girls? Do you like Cure Flora's overall transformation and battle? Leave your comments and I will see you in the next episode! Gokigenyou!!Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review Go Princess Precure Ep 2 Top 3 Moments and Review Gokigenyou Go Princess Precure Ep 5 Top 3 Moments and Review The Star, The Sea and The Flower Gokigenyou This is my review of Go Princess Precure episode 7 and it is the ball games sports meet No 3 Haruka's Tennis Training Montage After Go Princess Precure Ep 1 Top 5 Moments and Review Gokigenyou Minna San Go Princess Precure Ep 8 Top 3 Moments and Review Multi Tasking Haruka

source :,,


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