Gov. Scott Walker to defund new state standardized exam aligned with Common Core standards
Common Core: gone Caps on vouchers: gone School Choice for all: in Scott Walker goes all in on education reform.”
— Paul Blair (@gopaulblair) February 4, 2015
.@ScottWalker's #wibudget includes a school accountability proposal and reiterates that schools aren't required to adopt the #commoncore.
— Patrick Marley (@patrickdmarley) February 4, 2015
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker delivered his two-year budget address Tuesday night, the highlight of which for many was the promise to defund Common Core testing.
WLUK's Alex Ronallo gave a brief but comprehensive overview of the address.
Walker says his budget will help restore the American Dream in Wisconsin.
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Walker says property taxes will continue to go down for most under his budget proposal. #wibudget
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Walker says he would continue the UW tuition freeze and add a tuition freeze at tech colleges for "high demand" areas. #wibudget
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Walker says his budget would make it clear no school district in state has to use "common core," federal learning standards.
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Walker proposes giving every school that receives state funding a letter grade, does not mention sanctions for failure. #wibudget
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Walket proposes adults without children be drug tested in order to receive welfare. Those who fail given treatment. #wibudget
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Walker says budget would provide additional funds to help victims of domestic violence. #wibudget
— Alex Ronallo WLUK (@AlexRonalloWLUK) February 4, 2015
Again, the promise to pull state funding for the Smarter Balanced assessment, a standardized exam which is aligned to Common Core State Standards, was the most interesting news to conservatives.
BREAKING: Scott Walker removes funding for Common Core testing (Smarter Balance) in #wibudget#wiright#tcot#PJNET#StopCommonCore
— Matt Batzel (@MattBatzel) February 4, 2015
GO BIG: Walker budget ends Common Core, massively expands school vouchers.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) February 4, 2015
Eff U #wiunion RT @MattBatzel: BREAKING: Scott Walker removes funding for Common Core testing (cont)
— VibeVal1 (@VibeVal1) February 4, 2015
“@MattBatzel: BREAKING: Scott Walker removes funding for Common Core testing.#StopCommonCore" This man NEEDS to be next POTUS!!
— Terri Buonomo (@TeresaKB0311) February 4, 2015
@VibeVal1@MattBatzel Walker has shown the blueprint, built the foundation, and has the house in place for bold conservatism.
— SirTweetsALot (@JDSon78) February 4, 2015
Walker defunding Common Core testing, pushing for School Choice, eliminated greedy unions--yet he's still the "anti-education" guy.
— Brooks (@EBrooksUncut) February 4, 2015
Reports on the WI budget proposal sound like Walker's going to start taking a hatchet to Common Core. He's running.
— Brian Roastbeef (@BrianRoastbeef) February 4, 2015
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