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Top 5 Gadgets For Women

Top 5 Gadgets Women Can't Live Without. Like us on Facebook to get MensXP 's posts directly on your newsfeed When we think gadgets Men love cars and electronic gadgets. Women love clothes and shoes. Those taglines are a blast from the past. Nowadays, men too are conscious about their wardrobes Top 5 Funny and Useful Gadgets for Women in 2014: These new gadgets weigh in at 3 ounces and are of very little size. Such gifts for women can uplift your lady rsquo s These tech gadgets for women can make great gifts. Learn what gadgets appeal to women with these five tech gadgets for women.
Top 5 Gadgets For Women
Top 5 Gadgets For Women
Top 5 Gadgets For Women. Gadgets are not just intended for men but for women too. i There are really cool gadgets for women and many major producers are making sure i that our needs are resolved. Read more for a list of the top 5 gadgets to 2 ‘US’. In this article, I am going to list down Top Five gadgets that women should have. Women, like men are gadget freaks too. I have tried to price together a few gadgets that cater exclusively to the needs and wants of the women. I, now present an exclusive list of gadgets, for all you lovely women out there.

Top 5 Gadgets For Women:

Hard Disk:

Top 5 Gadgets For Women
Hard Disk

Women always have less space to state out things and the same applies to our favorite songs, movies, pictures and videos. After completing a season of ‘Vampire Diaries’ you are forced to delete it to make space for The next one. Sad! So. to get rid of this trouble, just get your self a 1 TB hard disk and store whatever you want in it. There
is no need to delete your favorite SITCOMS, movies and romantic videos, anymore.

Laser Parking System:
Top 5 Gadgets For Women

If you don't have the laser parking system already installed in your car, then get one for yourself soon! It is such a cool device which automatically activates your car and parks it. The best part is that it is quick, it does not go wrong and saves parking space. It's a perfect gadget for you, if you are not very comfortable parking in a narrow space.
GPS navigation System:
Top 5 Gadgets For Women

A GPS navigation system is a device that gives you audible driving directions with real time traffic updates, street names, and text to speech in large screens. Get a new GPS navigator for yourself (if you don't have it installed or if you have an old model installed) and be sure that you'll find your way where ever you are.

USB Pregnancy test kits:

Top 5 Gadgets For Women

Sick of using those disposable pregnancy test kits? Here is a cooler, easier and a quicker way of finding out your pregnancy results. Let me tell you how it works. This kit looks like a flash drive. On its one end there is a place for inserting absorbent test strip and on the end is the USB Connector. You need to drop some amount of urine on the test strip (Keep the USB cap on) and then fix the USB on your PC. The USB port undertakes an electroscope ionizing process and makes a urinalysis. After this, on the LCD of the USB the result will be indicated in the form of a symbol of a “Baby", "No Baby" or “Multiples". Also it will show you the estimated delivery date if you are pregnant. Now, all you need to do is unplug the USB and then throw the test strip away.

Solar Backpack:
Top 5 Gadgets For Women

A Solar bag is made for storing the solar Energy in the bag and then to use it to charge your phones, music players and cell phones. This is a must have for the women who love traveling or spend a lot time traveling. It's a fantastic device when you don't have access to a charging point on trips. It will also keep you connected and safe as you'll never really be out of touch because of battery discharge. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors.
It's a must have in your adventure gear.

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