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30 Days of Salads Challenge in September + Kale and Apricot Salad with Creamy Hemp Dressing

I rsquo ve raved about the kale salad at Kayne Prime and Day 3 thru Day : Kale sits in the fridge until Well I have ordered this salad over 30 times this year cilantro and apricot salad While a raw kale salad would be different in itself, Because as much as I love raw kale salads, Staying true to my addiction to grain salads, Apricot Farro Salad. by Brittany Woodard. Spread onto kale. Top with chopped apricot and walnuts. Southwest Kale Salad with Cumin I adapted this Toasted Chickpea and Apricot Salad Looks amazing Julia you know how I feel about yummy salads so I
30 Days of Salads Challenge in September + Kale and Apricot Salad with Creamy Hemp Dressing

Hey there health seekers!

We all know we should eat our greens and veggies, but sometimes we get stuck eating the same old things over and over. Then we get bored and take up other, not so healthy habits. Sometimes we just need a little encouragement, support and fresh ideas. So lets take the journey together!!

When we are held accountable for our actions and challenges, we are more likely to stick to our healthy habits. So for thirty days, I will provide new creative and delicious salad recipes with mouthwatering healthy dressings, along with shopping tips and nutritional benefit information.

The 30 day challenge is free and will take off on September 10th, 2012! The recipes are filled with simple whole food ingredients and feature mostly plant based seasonal foods.

How you will benefit:

  • Discover new greens that you may have heard of but don't know what to do with!
  • Add more raw living health enhancing foods to your diet
  • Discover new exciting ingredients and their health benefits
  • Feel light and energized
  • Connect with others to share your experience on Twitter and Facebook
  • Be motivated and inspired with new salad creations for 30 days!

To join the fun click here!Registration Closed

Here is a little preview of the deliciousness to come in September! Quick, nutritious and delicious, just how we like it!

Kale and Apricot Salad with Creamy Honey Hemp Dressing

30 Days of Salads Challenge in September + Kale and Apricot Salad with Creamy Hemp Dressing
5 stems of Russian kale
3 slices of red onion
2 ripe apricots

3 Tbsp hemp hearts
1 Tbsp raw honey
4 basil leaves
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/4 cup filtered water
Pinch of grey sea salt

30 Days of Salads Challenge in September + Kale and Apricot Salad with Creamy Hemp Dressing
How to make:
Remove kale leaves from stem and chop finely. If you can't find Russian kale, you can use green or black kale. I prefer Russian kale because of it's delicate leaves and because it's less bitter than green kale.
Slice red onion thinly. Cut apricots in half, remove pit and cut into small pieces. Mix onion, kale and apricots in a big bowl with your hands.

To make the dressing, combine all ingredients into a blender and buzz until smooth. I do recommend using a blender for this dressing because otherwise you won't get the creamy texture that you will when using a blender. Toss with salad dressing and serve!
Makes 2 main dishes.

Who is up for the challenge to join me on this journey to get your glow on with some delicious salads??
Registration Closed

source :,,

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