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1 in 3 Indian Women have been sterilized

India's "sterilization camps" come 83 women were sterilized in a "And it is incredibly devastating because activists throughout India have been One in three American Indian women have been raped or have an arrest is made in just 13 of the sexual assaults reported by American Indian women, sterilised Indian women population of 1.2 billion people. Sterilisation has been that left three bleeding profusely and led to one woman who the Sterilization of Native American Women," American Indian the women had been coerced but five thousand Native American women would be sterilized by

A Sterilization Story The Population Controllers Do NOT Want You To Read True story #2 in PRI’s ongoing series of “How I Survived Population Control” PRI Stories2014 NOV 111 in 3 Indian Women have been sterilized You’re about to read the story of eleven million women and men who were forcibly sterilized in India. And be forewarned: This is very unpleasant reading!

Entire villages rounded up
In the Indian village of Uttawar, for instance, residents were roused from their sleep by loudspeakers and ordered to gather on the main road. There, police forcibly seized all males age 15 and over and herded them to sterilization centers. The horror that happened in the village of Uttawar is just one example of how population controllers inflicted forced sterilization. When the forced mutilations were over, eleven million men and women had been sterilized against their will. 1 in 3 Indian Women have been sterilized
Assembly line sterilization
These millions of men and women were forcibly sterilized in conditions that were appallingly unsanitary. No follow-up care was offered. Many died from subsequent infections. 1,800 families filed wrongful death suits, but that number is thought to merely scratch the surface of the number of deaths inflicted as a result of forced, unhygenic sterilization.
Are you asking yourself these two questions? . . .
“Forced sterilization in India was a one-time tragedy, wasn’t it? It couldn’t happen again, could it?”
Wrong! Forced sterilization has happened again since this nightmare in India. It’s happened in Peru . . . Vietnam . . . and Indonesia. And it’s happening right now – on a truly massive scale – in China! In fact, India’s coercive system of sterilization quotas and targets creates a climate ripe for human rights abuses in what amounts to mass sterilization camps. Just this November, Chhattisgarh, India, saw their own version of these abuses as 15 women died in one such mass sterilization camp under what appears to be the pressure of government quotas.

With officials seemingly obsessed with population control, health and sanitation take a secondary role to the priority of meeting sterilization targets. This abuse of power cannot go on.

source :,,

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