Seasonal Allergy Relief Tips DIY,Health,healthy living,home cures,Master Tonic Seasonal Allergy Relief Tips
If you have allergy, spring warm up can bring massive sufferings and misery as the pollen which has been held up by cold weather becomes airborne. Let us discuss about the tips to get relief from seasonal allergies in.

About 20% of all humans develop allergies. An allergic reaction is a condition that develops when the immune system overreacts to otherwise harmless antigens. The overreaction can range from mild symptoms such as sneezing to life-threatening conditions (anaphylaxis). Allergy symptoms include itchy eyes and skin, sneezing, nasal congestion, wheezing, and rash. Seasonal allergies result from grass, weed, tree pollen, or molds. Cat and dog dander allergies are common. Food allergies include peanut or milk.
In the spring and fall, tree, grass, and weed pollen become airborne and can result in sneezing, a runny nose, and itchiness in your nose, throat, and eyes. Most of call it hay fever but according to doctors it is allergic conjunctivitis. If things are bad in your area here are some simple tips to keep your hay fever or seasonal allergy at bay.
1. Leave your shoes outside at the door.
When you come home leave your shoes at the door, taking your shoes off at the door lessens the amount of allergens you bring into the house. Also wipe down your dog or any other pet you have before he comes into the house, too, because pollen(allergens) clings to fur.
2. Try to wash your hair before bed.
If you take a bath in morning, consider switching to shampooing before bed. That way, pollen and other allergens that collected on your hair during the day won’t rub off on your pillow.
3. Keep the doors and windows closed.
Keeping your windows open is good and can be refreshing, but open windows can let in pollen and other allergens. So, close windows and outside doors, especially on high-pollen days, and turn on the heat or the air-conditioning.
4. Keep filters in your furnace and air conditioner clean.
Service or change your furnace or air conditioner at regular intervals recommended by the manufacturer, or more frequently if it seems to help.
5.Use the ''recirculate" option in the car.
Keep windows and sunroofs closed. Especially on high-pollen days, recirculate the air in your car instead of using the vent, which may let in pollen. Use the air conditioner and adjust the temperature to your comfort.
6. Adjust your in-house humidity level.
Buy a digital thermometer with a humidity gauge. You may need a dehumidifier to get a level lower than 50%. Set up the dehumidifier on the main living level of the house, if your house has more than one story. This will help if you if spores from mold cause your allergies, aim for a humidity level of less than 50%.
7. Check weather, the pollen count and plan your day accordingly.
Pollen is carried by the wind, so a still day will typically have lower airborne pollen levels. Pollen counts are usually highest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Weather conditions also play a role in pollen levels. Pollen sticks around in moderate temperatures with low humidity and a gentle breeze. Rain washes pollen away.
The web site of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology's National Allergy Bureau offers a daily pollen and mold levels by area, emailed to you. If the predicted pollen count is high, try to plan your schedule accordingly. Delay errands and exercise, if possible, until later in the day, when pollen counts are typically lower. Wear sunglasses, which can help keep pollen out of your eyes.
8. Control your immediate environment.If you know the exact tree, grass, and weed pollens that affect you, you can try to remove them and replant more tolerable types. But remember that airborne pollens can travel hundreds of miles from where they originated.
If you can get someone else to mow the lawn or hire it out, do so. It stirs up pollens. Avoid sitting outdoors around freshly cut grass.
9. Dry your clothes in a clothes dryer, not on an outdoor line.
Pollen can collect easily on clothing or bed linens left outside.
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