"until Proven Otherwise, Mineral Oil is The Best Choice for Skin Care" Product Development "until Proven Otherwise, Mineral Oil is The Best Choice for Skin Care"

I've heard this for years.
- From industry-employed cosmetic scientists
- From science-interested folks
- From folks who look to test results – and (seemingly) only test results.
"Until proven otherwise, we're going with mineral oil."
"There is no proof that it isn't beneficial for skin"
"It's proven that it doesn't cause allergies"
"Mineral oil is the most efficient occlusive and therefore the most efficient at helping skin maintain moisture."
"It's tested and proven safe."
"There is no proof that it clogs pores"
Well halleluja.
I still think they're all dead wrong.
You Dare to Question Science, Lise?!?
I believe there's something missing to this story – because after digging around for what feels like centuries to research studies on petrolatum vs plant oils, I've arrived at the following conclusions:
- A/B testing on petrolatum vs non-petrolatum-based oils for specific functions on live human subjects hasn't been done.
- The tests that are being pointed to as proof of petrolatum's superiority are not only outdated, but are not 'telling enough of the story'
I maintain that non-petrolatum-based ingredients are more beneficial and better at moisturizing human skin!
I believe a non-petrolatum-based lip balm can and will outperform any petrolatum-based lip balm, providing more moisture, more comfort and a more long-term effect.
So Prove it, Smarty-Pants
After preaching the evils of mineral oil for yonks (that's British for 'ages'), I've decided to put my money where my mouth is and do a study.
I'm putting petrolatum to the test!
The Dry Lipped Study Group
A test group of 30 persons with self-proclaimed 'constantly dry lips' will be chosen for this study. The chosen testers will be vigilant lip balm users - PETROLATUM-based lip balm users. They will swear by their lip balm and love it so much they won't go anywhere without it.
These carefully chosen testers will be equipped with samples of my Ultimate Balm Gloss Pot (with no added essential oils) and asked to forsake their beloved present product for a period of 2 weeks in favor of my non-petrolatum-based balm.
They will then be asked to provide their 100% brutally honest feedback.
In all Fairness
Because I (obviously) have an interest in the outcome of this test, I have enlisted the help of Anette at BeautySpace who has graciously accepted and promised to recruit dry-lipped testers and ensure that everything is carried out in a fair and proper manner.
Anettes readers are interested in beauty products – all beauty products. They have no affiliation to me, so won't particularly care if my product is better or worse than the one they already use and dearly love. They will provide frank feedback because their comments will be completely anonymous.
That's as neutral and fair as I can get this.
Now it's up to the dry-lipped, petrolatum-based lip balm users that are recruited as test subjects.
Stay tuned. I promise to update.
I'm excited.
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