Gatiss Talks Capaldi Gatiss Talks Capaldi
Writer Mark Gatiss (The Unquiet Dead, The Crimson Horror, et al) has been chatting to the Ham&High Broadway about the new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi. Gatiss, who has written the third episode of Series 8, had this to say about The Twelfth Doctor:

“The brilliant thing about Doctor Who is that it’s always changing like the central character – not just the face of the actor, but the direction of the show. David and Matt were both wonderful, but both were very human Doctors and I think it’s time to remind people that the Doctor isn’t always like that.
He’s that sort of Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and even Christopher Eccleston style actually: it’s someone who’s not immediately going to be your best friend and can be quite abrupt and rude.”
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