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Computer Registry Systems Configurations And Customize

Computer Registry Systems Configurations And Customize Information,Tech New Computer Registry Systems Configurations And Customize

Computer Registry Systems Configurations and Customize
computer Registry Systems Configurations and customize
1.Renaming you’re my computer icon
Rename localizedstring value localizedstring.old
Right click and choose create expandable string value
Value data= %Your Windows USERNAME% on %The NAME you want%
Effective after reboot

2.Listing Your Favorites in Alphabetical order
Delete the favorites key and reboot
3. Force Internet Explorer to run full screen (this is a 2 step process)

Step 1
Find value full screen and change it to a 1 instead of 0

Step 2
create a string value and name it full screen
Type is yes in the Value date

4.Settling down Windows Vista’s User Control
This is one of my favorites. This disables alerts for administrators.
This keeps the UAC from popping upevery time you run a program
but at the same time keeps the important protection measures intact.
Some programs might not like this but that’s ok because you can
always change it back Pull up this


Change this value to 0
re-enable it with a 2
Hacks for Faster Performance-Careful with this one!!
Find the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
There are several entries in here you can tweak
This is the time, the system keeps applications from moving into the background after you are done with

To speed this up change value to: 00000000

This will speed up the start menu
Try 300 to 400

This one effects shutdown. This is how long the system waits
for user processes to end before logging off.
Try 4000 -5000

This one relates to selecting end task on a process.
It controls the time it takes for the program to shutdown
Recommended setting: 400

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