When we became pregnant with baby number two we started saving as much money as we could. I knew I would want to take as long of a maternity leave as possible and possibly (if we could save enough) would not return to my dream job for my ultimate dream job as stay at home mommy! We gave up cable, cut back our grocery bill, stopped eating out (including coffee runs) and more! I'll have to blog about all those details at another time. But I am proud and happy to report that all the budgeting and hard work payed off and I was able to decide to stay home! I realize how fortunate I am and try to not take one day for granted! I loved creating my son's nursery (see pictures of his baby blue nursery here!) and when we found out our second baby was a girl , my dreams of the perfect baby girl nursery seemed so distraught from our savings plans. As much as I wanted the perfect nursery I did not want to have to sacrifice time with her. I could not register for nursery items like I could with my son since my family's tradition is to only have one shower for your first child. So I was on a mission to create the perfect nursery as cost efficient as possible. I started with an dream inspiration board and piece by piece I found similar or budget friendly options. Here was my dream inspiration board with dream nursery items:
And here is what the finished budget friendly room when finished looked like:
For more pictures of her completed nursery CLICK HERE for the Nursery Reveal Post!
I am so happy with the result. Not only did the nursery truly become my dream baby girl nursery but I had so much fun with the DIY projects with my Dad , my husband and sister as well as shopping for deals with my mother. Many of the items in her room have become so much more sentimental and I'm sure will be passed down generation to generation! The next few blog posts I will be sharing with you, how I created my dream baby girl nursery for a little over $1,000 ! Today's post is regarding one of the most important pieces in a nursery! THE CRIB!
I fell in love with a few cribs that were all over 1,000 dollars. My favorite seen in my inspiration board above is the Adele Crib from Restoration Hardware Baby and Child .

And ............You will never guess how much I spent on her crib! Factions of the cost of those originally cribs I loved! I found her crib from Wall-mart online. Its the Savannah crib in white!

It's fisher price brand named Savannah in white. We spent $169.00!!! Can you believe it !?!?!? I was skeptical at first because the price was so affordable. But I took the risk and we couldn't be happier. The only negative was at first the crib arrived with a crack on one of the main sides but luckily we ordered the crib early in the pregnancy and the they sent us out a replacement piece right away that arrived before she was born. We couldn't be happier with the result and the price! Its traditional, feminine, and the perfect color white! It has an antique feel but being new it would have has passed current safety regulations. Most of the furniture in her room is antique or used furniture, however I would not recommend buying a used crib and definitely not an antique crib! Safety regulations are constantly changing! I would not want to sacrifice my baby's safety for design!
The only issue we had with the crib is it arrived with one of the side panels cracked. But we contacted the company and they sent us a replacement piece right away.
Heres what the crib looked like before the crib bedding arrived.
And here is what the crib looks like finished!
Stay tuned for more posts about how I saved money on her custom crib bedding, curtains, furniture and more!
- Kelly
For more pictures of her Nursery click here !
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