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Pasangan suami istri (Foto: Yourtango) |
Yes, this positionisquite popular withcouples. Because,besideswomen prefer todominate, forthepositionhealso lookssexy. Here'ssomewoman on topsexpositionsthatcanmake a couple morepassionate, accordingIndiansutras.
Woman on top positionis among the mostbasic. Women canoverlook thehusbandorto him.Forthispositionthe manconsidered to be veryexciting, because I could seetheir partnersexybody.
This positionis able tohelpwomen reachorgasmeasily. In this position, velocitywillbeentirelyunder the control ofwomen.
In this position, hewilleasilyreachthe G-spot's wife. In addition, menare alsomore relaxedbecausehis wife whowillcontrol thesex sessionthis time.
Withthis position, hewill beeasyto penetratedeeper. Thus, women canmore easilyreachorgasm. Notonly that, in that position, hecouldalsotouchasensitivepointmate.
Source: www.okezone.com
source : http://pitoetor.blogspot.com, http://imgur.com, http://reddit.com
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