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Manchester United: Cristiano Ronaldo Welcome back

Manchester United: Cristiano Ronaldo Welcome back Manchester United captain Rio Ferdinand says he cannot wait to welcome back colleague Cristiano Ronaldo when he returns to Old Trafford but admitted Real Cristiano Ronaldo back to Manchester United will elect to stay at Manchester United provided he gets a warm welcome from the club's fans during WELCOME BACK. Edit my details Cristiano Ronaldo exhausted all superlatives during his six years with United, "Cristiano has been a marvellous player forManchester United: Cristiano Ronaldo Welcome back

Manchester United: Cristiano Ronaldo Welcome backMANCHESTER-After thenews of theretirement ofSirAlexFergusonat theend of the season,has nowappearedrumorsthatWayneRooneywillleaveManchesterUnited.Meanwhile, CristianoRonaldo isevenrumored to bere-costumed Red Devils.

As reported inSportsmail, a fewhoursbefore theannouncement of theretirementFergusonasUnited manager, the newswouldhave beensticking outRooney's departure.Reportedly, the formerEvertonplayerhassaidthattwoweekspriortoFerguson.

LaterRooneyisassociatedwithseveralmajorEuropeanclubs, including BayernMunich, ParisSaint-Germain toChelsea. However, his departuremightnothappenifDavidMoyesreallygoingcoachedUnited.

Because themaincandidatesuccessorwill bereunitedwithFergusonandRooneywillholdhis departurefromOldTrafford. On theother hand, At thesame time, newsof the return ofRonaldoalsopicked up significantly.

Manchief executive. United, DavidGill, known tobe inthe centerof Madridandis rumored to bemenemuaiofRonaldo'sagent, JorgeMendes. Anysourcewithin the club, sureto bringbacka player whowas sold toMadridfor80millionpoundsin 2009 agoit was.

source :,,

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