After many requests, I've finally taken the colors, style, and elements of the Britt-ish Designs site, added a few more punchy colors and lots more fun embellishments and patterns and created. . .
and this coordinating paper pack . . .
"Zebra Prints">
Here's what I scrapped:
and from the Britt Girls:
I have an add-on freebie for you guys at the end of this post too!
Isn't this kit fun?! It's full of all the colors, textures, patterns, and elements I love! Plus I LOVE how the Britt Girls used it from everything from tweens to skating birthday parties to baby showers. I'm so happy with how this kit turned out, and I know you guys will love it too!
Alrighty. On to this week's Show Offs. Enjoy:
And last but not least, that add-on freebie I promised:
{download here}
Have a wonderful day and a fun weekend too! We've got big plans to . . . wait for it . . . work on the house!! I KNOW, you're totally shocked, right?
But I am going to book club tonight. I have been too busy renovating, decorating, and reading baby books to read the book this month, but I'm going to visit and socialize anyway.
ta ta!
source :,,
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