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Liebster Award

A few weeks ago, Dawn nominated me for a Liebster Award! I love these types of awards because it shows how tightly knit the blogging community can become. After spending some time with my friend Google, I learned [kinda] that the Liebster Award is passed around the blogging community to those who have fewer than 200 Dividend for Starters nominated me for a Liebster Award. What is a Liebster award I thought at first? So I look around on the net and found the meaning of

Thanks so much to Rachi over at Le bon vivant for nominating me for the Liebster Award - it was something that I'd seen around the blogosphere and I am an so glad to be a part of it :)
Liebster is a German word that means dearest, and this award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who you think deserves more recognition.

Here are the rules:
- List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by your nominator
- Ask 11 new questions for all the bloggers that you nominate to win the award
- Nominate 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers to win the award
- Go to each of the blogger's pages to let them know about their nomination
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by mentioning them and link back to their blog
(end cut and paste)

11 Random Facts about Me:

1. I'm an extreme extrovert. We took the test at work and the specialist who came in to carry out the test said she had never seen anyone score as high in the extrovert section as me.

2. I lost my first tooth when I was 4 years old. I was drinking a glass of lemonade at my Nana's house and out popped my tooth (lemonade was a treat - don't think I was drinking it all the time and that's what caused my tooth to fall out).

3. In fact, when I was growing up sweet drinks were banded in my house after my brother spilt some cordial and my Dad went crazy because we had a serious ant problem at our house when we were growing up.

4. I'm originally from Sydney but moved to Canberra for university - during that time I lived on campus. I spent two years at 'The University Village' or 'UV' to those who know 'ressies' and then I was the Senior Resident of 'Arscott House' in my final year.

5. I was the youngest Senior Resident to ever hold the position.

6. In my first year of university I went home to Sydney every weekend, I actually only stayed from Sunday night to Wednesday lunchtime and then I would catch the bus home to Sydney so that I could work part-time for Commsec on Thursday and Fridays.

7. I have worked for both the University of Canberra and the University of Sydney.

8. Whilst working for the University of Sydney I was the Deputy Editor of their sport's magazine ROAR. If I could gain a writing gig again (especially one where I could work from home and that was food related, that would be my dream job ... ).

9. I love playing and umpiring Netball - before getting pregnant I played 3 times a week and umpired 3 times a week (including State League here in Canberra) and I have my National C badge for umpiring.

10. I can hardly sleep at the moment from a combination of my husband's snoring and my belly being so big and uncomfortable - I can not wait to have this baby.

11. I have always wanted to be a MUMMY (and to a large family - fingers crossed this all goes well and we end up with 4 or 5 kids).

My Answers to Rachi's Questions:

1. Who inspires you the most? My Mum - she is who I strive to be like every day.

2. Describe yourself in three words? Extroverted, Passionate and Quirky.
3. What's the first thing you do every morning as soon as you wake up? Check social media - that's bad isn't it? I really think that I am addicted.
4. What's the biggest fashion faux pass you've ever made? I don't know, I don't really like any of my dress sense through the 90's ... but then again who looked good in the 90's? I think the worst was big black overalls over a knitted red turtleneck.
5. What's one skill you wish you had? I wish that I could sew (like on a sewing machine) and actually make some wearable clothes. I've made quiet a few costumes for fancy dress parties whilst I was at uni - but nothing that I would wear out in day light (or at least not before a couple of drinks).
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be? Closer to my family - my family live in Sydney and I live in Canberra with my husband and baby-to-be! It's times like this (i.e. having a baby) that I wish that I was closer to my family - especially my Mum and my sister.
7. What was your first ever job? I worked in a Seafood Take-away called Fisherman and the Sea.
8. What's your favourite book of all time? 'Looking for Alibrandi'
9. What's your number one guilty pleasure? Most delicious food treats don't last that long in my house - so even if I wanted to devour something as my guilty pleasure it's normally gone when I go to the fridge or cupboard (as it has been eaten by my husband - who will eat 6 ice-creams in a night).
10. Which fairytale is your favourite and why? I like to think that I support fairy tales with strong females who aren't relying on men to come and help them out of a situation. If I have daughter's I want them to know that they can achieve anything and they don't need a knight in shinning armour to come and sweep them off their feet (no matter how nice it sounds).
11. What's your favourite song at the moment? Anything that gets my baby moving (so normally something with a good base beat).
My 11 new questions:
1. What is the best dish you can cook?

2. Can you fake any accents?

3. Do you have a workout routine? What is it?

4. What's your favorite animal?If you were that animal, and you are where you are right now, what would you be doing?

5. What do you have in your pockets?

6. Why did you start blogging and what are the four main topics that you blog about?

7. Most hated chore on the household chore list?

8. How much time per week do you spend on social media?

9. Apple Juice or Orange Juice?
10. When you head out to a restaurant is there a dish that you are likely to lean towards? And if so, what is it (this could be just an ingredient ... like fish)?
11. What is your favourite chip flavour?
* Can you tell that I am a food blogger with all these food questions?
My nine nominees:
1. Yellow Dandy Dreams

2. Little Old Souls

3. Little Wolff

4. Stylista Mama

5. GnomeAngel

6. Design is Yay!

7. The Merrymaker Sisters

8. Good Job Momma

9. Snappy Casual

Good luck to everyone and I hope you have the time to keep this going :)

source :,,

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