Month 7. Bangs,Brunette,Teased,Wavy Month 7.
Month 7. |
7 things about my 7 months so far:
- I have seen substantial hair growth. Awesome.
- I used hairspray and product and have blow dried, teased and curled my hair ONCE. Yes. I did. It was this last Friday, May 11th (on my exact 7-month mark) and it was for my best friend's wedding in Oklahoma. A hairstylist came and did it because: (1) I was a bridesmaid and was not about to embarrass myself by friar-tucking it on Ashton's wedding day. (2) We all had our hair done and (3) I refused to do my own hair... If I was going to make an exception to my rules, someone else was going to do it for me! I said I would make one exception, for my sister's wedding in September, but this one was not taken into account when I made my rules in October because she hadn't been engaged yet! Oh... and yes I do plan on posting some photos from that day as soon as I see some from her photographer!
- When measuring hair growth, it's imperative to use a white t-shirt. Black does not work.
- It would have been helpful if I'd have measured my hair next to a ruler each time. Or if I'd have made notches on the wall with a pencil, like a child's growth chart. Lesson learned.
- A year is a really, really long time.
- Daniel basically begs me to give this whole thing up every day. I almost give in each time.
- Apparently, I switch cell phone covers every 3 months.
Posted by Hodie J
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