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Juices Beneficial for Pregnant Women

Juices Beneficial for Pregnant Women Healthy Foods Juices Beneficial for Pregnant Women

Juices beneficial for pregnant women - The gestation period is the season of the long-awaited by the couple, in a period when pregnant women should consume lots of nutrients due to the need for improved nutrition, in addition to himself as well as to the needs of the baby in the womb. In pregnancy, women should consume lots of fruit juice, because the fruit contains a lot of nutrients and nutrients needed by pregnant women.
Juices Beneficial for Pregnant Women
So, here we will share info about Juices beneficial for pregnant women.
Juices Beneficial for Pregnant Women

  1. Apple fruit juice. How to make apple juice: Combine celery in a little apple juice, is to avoid pregnant women from sleep disorders. You can can also mix apple juice with spinach. Oksalik acid in spinach mixture with pectin in apple juice is very effective in removing contaminants that have long settled in the large intestine.
  2. Carrot juice. Carrot juice is useful for pregnant women, because carrot juice can provide energy quickly when pregnant women tired and lethargic. Carrot juice can also lower blood sugar levels, and prevent high blood pressure.
  3. Avocado juice. Famous avocado with healthy fats in it. It is important to provide energy for pregnant women. besides that avocado juice also helps reduce cholesterol.
  4. Orange juice. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C, it is great to boost immunity, orange juice also can remove the blockage of mucus in the throat, lungs and stomach. More than that, mix lemon with honey is known to be good for curing sore throat and tonsils.
  5. Mango and papaya juice. Mango and papaya contain high carbohydrates and enzymes. This juice is useful for deal with complaints swelling and inflammation, indigestion and fever.

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